Hands Of Hope
Crossfire Family of ministry's has several ministries that reach out to our community in feeding the homeless and those who need help with food. We believe that in order to feed the soul with the bread of life (Jesus) we must first feed those who are physically hungry because they don't have food for their bodies. Every Thursday between 12:00pm till 4:00pm, Hands of Hope Ministry distributes food boxes at our Springfield campus to our community. At 6:15pm on Thursdays, our Celebrate Recovery Ministry provides a hot meal to ANYONE (whether you are attending Celebrate Recovery or not, you can still pick up a dinner plate) that wants to can receive it. Every Sunday Morning, we provide a free hot breakfast Springfield location beginning at 8:30am - 10:30am.These breakfasts are also open to the community.

Ministry Director
Shellee Corel Koch

Food Box Ministry Times
Thursdays 12 noon to 4 pm
Drive Thru in Parking Lot
Springfield Campus
Celebrate Recovery Dinner
Thursdays; 6:15pm Pick up and go
Springfield Campus
Free Sunday Breakfast
Sundays; 8:30am
Pick up and go
All of these are at our
Springfield Campus
942 28th Street Springfield,
Oregon 97477
We hope to see you there!
Thursdays 12 noon to 4 pm
Drive Thru in Parking Lot
Springfield Campus
Celebrate Recovery Dinner
Thursdays; 6:15pm Pick up and go
Springfield Campus
Free Sunday Breakfast
Sundays; 8:30am
Pick up and go
All of these are at our
Springfield Campus
942 28th Street Springfield,
Oregon 97477
We hope to see you there!