Welcome to FOCM Youth Guidance  ministries
a part of Crossfire family of ministries
Fellowship of Outreach Ministries International
Youth Guidance - A Ministry Division of Crossfire International
Federal ID#93-1258629 501-C3 Tax Deductible Donation
The Joy of  New Beginnings!
My Dear Friends,
Well after 32 years with Youth for Christ, a new episode in my life is developing! Certain doors have closed and exciting windows are opening. Nothing is really changing, but God is redirecting (the Church and myself) with God’s love, joy, and peace and sharing the Gospel and giving hope to the hopeless in different ways as the Lord leads me! I’m getting older and praise God healthy, but my faith and excitement in God is getting more and more defined daily and change is good as the Lord leads! I welcome your prayers!
I’m mentoring many people and some are very confused and lost needing Jesus first in their lives, and 4 of those have chosen to call me dad and they aren’t my children, they just need fatherly advice and I give them God’s Word. I chose to be an encourager to all those around me!
Well, they pretty much let all the youth go home or go back on the street and they won’t let any of our team into the detention center (Serbu). In the past few weeks, I’ve led at least 5 adults to the Lord.  I’m available and continue to be led and even the youth I led to the Lord over 30 years ago still look to me for an encouraging word and most are serving God, thanks Lord! I live for the Lord and give Him all glory and honor! We are all called to die to ourselves and live for Him in His power and authority and His peace and love continues to grow through His church!
I’m so grateful for your support for so many years, would you consider continued support, my team of ministers will be there as soon as the detention center reopens. Until then, they have us on a video call available to the few youth who they have in Serbu, only about 5-6 youth are locked up, all the rest were released.
We appreciate you so much for your faithfulness and prayerfulness and we glorify the Lord for your prayers and continued support in Jesus name, Amen! May the Lord bless and give great joy for your families and you as we celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ this Christmas! For automatic online giving or one time, go to:
mycrossfire.com/giving and select FOCM Youth Guidance and fill in your information. Or mail donation to: FOCM Youth Guidance 942 North 28th St, Springfield, OR 97477
Thank you so much and have a Glorious Day.
Chaplain Al Gaines
 MY PAST: I came from that life of physical abuse, alcohol, and drugs. Because of these hurts and wounds, I took all of this pain on others around me until I couldn’t stand myself anymore…but God! God opened the door for my first legal job at the age of 28 at General Trailer Company and they put me with a guy that was happy all the time, Bart Penland. He loved me into the Kingdom of God by not being judgmental or condemning! After 32 years of sending out newsletters, you have probably heard this story dozens of times. I’m not a novice, I graduated Bible School with honors, 3 different evangelism schools, taught many others how to share the same way Bart shared God’s precious Word with me and his wife, Jean, shared God’s love with my wife Kristina (my first wife of 48 years) and led her to a relationship with the Lord. Our lives were changed forever and we have 4 children and now have 11 grandchildren, happy grandpa (my granddaughters call me Alpa!) Silly me, I was in a hurry to have someone with me to do ministry and give all glory and honor to the Lord through ministering to hurting and lost people and I wanted a woman who was a car girl, because, I’m a car guy! Well against my children’s wishes, I remarried way to quick and it hasn’t been a good marriage. At the beginning we were happy, but then unpleasant things started happening. I’m not going to go negative about my new wife Nancy (please pray for her), I take full responsibility in my hurrying to get remarried and not getting to really know her. Well, she has filed for divorce which I had never thought that it was an option for my life, ever!
 MY PRESENT:  I’m mentoring about 8 adults who are doing ministry in Uganda and Pakistan who are reaching homeless and orphans, and even Christian slaves in Pakistan and these are wonderful saints who love the Lord and really are blessing God’s people with food, clothing and God’s Word and many are getting saved! The Joy of the Lord is their strength and it’s contagious! I’ve led 5 people at Crossfire to the Lord in the last month or so and give Him all glory and honor, thanks Lord for Your continued blessings of seeing lost souls find a real and exciting relationship with our Lord and Savior!!!
 I’m blessed to be able to pray for each one and to share God’s love for each one!
New Sweatshirts for Christmas for Kids at Kevin servo youth detention