Crossfire Hands Of Hope is a ministry dedicated to reaching out into our community in a tangible way, while showing the love of Jesus Christ to those in need. We do this through the weekly distribution of FREE food boxes and some emergency items. We desire to show people the love of Jesus by helping them meet their needs when they may need it the most. Volunteer opportunities are available on Wednesdays and Thursdays. If you feel led to help us reach those in need, we welcome the blessing you would provide. Our Drive-thru style food box distribution is every Thursday from 12pm - 4pm except for the first Thursday of the month. It is contactless and is for absolutely ANYONE that needs food no matter the income or circumstances! If you need food please come! We are always open regardless of weather. We are only closed if it is a major holiday or the first Thursday of the month.
Hands of Hope
We are in need of volunteers.
If you feel that you can offer ANY volunteer time,
please come by anytime during the days/times listed below
to the Springfield Campus location.
Wednesday 9am - 3pm (Volunteers needed)
Thursday 9am - 6pm (Volunteers needed)
If you're in need of a food box our Food Box Drive Thru is open every Thursday STARTING the second Thursday of the month from 12 (NOON) - 4PM.
Our Food Box Drive Thru is for absolutely ANYONE that needs food, no matter what your income or circumstances are! If you need food please come!
We started doing it as a drive thru instead of you come in and shop due to Covid.
Handing out food boxes this way makes it's completely hands free for you. When you come follow the line formation in the parking lot and drive thru. We load up your car and then you are on your way! We are always open regardless of weather.
If you are looking to Volunteer somewhere PLEASE JOIN US! We serve our community by giving people food no questions asked. On Wednesdays from 9:00am - 5:00pm we set up, build boxes and pack them. On Thursdays (also 9:00am - 5:00pm) we hand out food from 12pm - 4pm and then tear down. You can volunteer whatever time you have available on whatever day you have available. If you only have two hours on a Wednesday PLEASE STILL VOLUNTEER! If you are interested in serving your community by helping get them the number one human basic need, FOOD, please call us at 541-686-5433
If you would like more info contact Shellee Corel Koch
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Hands of Hope
We are in need of volunteers.
If you feel that you can offer ANY volunteer time,
please come by anytime during the days/times listed below
to the Springfield Campus location.
Wednesday 9am - 3pm (Volunteers needed)
Thursday 9am - 6pm (Volunteers needed)
If you're in need of a food box our Food Box Drive Thru is open every Thursday STARTING the second Thursday of the month from 12 (NOON) - 4PM.
Our Food Box Drive Thru is for absolutely ANYONE that needs food, no matter what your income or circumstances are! If you need food please come!
We started doing it as a drive thru instead of you come in and shop due to Covid.
Handing out food boxes this way makes it's completely hands free for you. When you come follow the line formation in the parking lot and drive thru. We load up your car and then you are on your way! We are always open regardless of weather.
If you are looking to Volunteer somewhere PLEASE JOIN US! We serve our community by giving people food no questions asked. On Wednesdays from 9:00am - 5:00pm we set up, build boxes and pack them. On Thursdays (also 9:00am - 5:00pm) we hand out food from 12pm - 4pm and then tear down. You can volunteer whatever time you have available on whatever day you have available. If you only have two hours on a Wednesday PLEASE STILL VOLUNTEER! If you are interested in serving your community by helping get them the number one human basic need, FOOD, please call us at 541-686-5433
If you would like more info contact Shellee Corel Koch
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Ministry Leader:
Shellee Corel Koch
Shellee Corel Koch

Assistant Director:
Pat Koch
Pat Koch