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Hand's Of Hope Food Box Distribution
12:00 PM - 4:00PM , Thursday June 8th, 2023
We will continue to partnership with Food for Lane County to distribute food to needy families in our local area. We have decided to implement a drive through food box pickup at our Springfield location. If you need a food box or know someone who does, you can find complete information by clicking on the link below.
We are Open Every Thursday except the first Thursday of each month.
12:00 PM - 4:00PM , Thursday June 8th, 2023
We will continue to partnership with Food for Lane County to distribute food to needy families in our local area. We have decided to implement a drive through food box pickup at our Springfield location. If you need a food box or know someone who does, you can find complete information by clicking on the link below.
We are Open Every Thursday except the first Thursday of each month.

One Church - One Day provides a simple way for churches to pray together for our community in strategic and relevant ways. Each church takes one day every month to pray for 24 hours. Crossfire's day is the third Tuesday of every month. To participate, select an available time slot and register.
Churches pray for their own congregation and from a Community Prayer Guide. The Community Prayer Guide features 10 strategic sectors of our society: Education, Government, Business, Healthcare, Family, Arts, Media, Sports, Police & Fire, and the Church. These areas shape the culture of our community. By praying for God's will to be done in these areas, we invite the Lord to transform our entire community. Believing-leaders, representing each sector, meet monthly to collaborate on relevant ways to pray. Those specific requests are then distributed to the hundreds of people praying in churches, and they provide a basis to track measurable answers to prayer and community-wide transformation.